Donation Opportunity!
Support Guild Clients by Donating Household Items! Homelessness is a crisis. Here's your...
Meet Jeria, CENS Case Manager
Jeria is a Case Manager on the Coordinated Entry Navigation Services team. Q: Describe...
Program Highlight: Youth ACT
What is Youth ACT? Youth ACT is the youth version (for 16-20 years olds) of our adult...
On Writing My Way Through
Andrea Rosenhaft is a licensed clinical social worker in the New York City area. She is...
Thank You Messages to Our Volunteers!
Our Case Managers are very thankful for everything volunteers do to help the clients...
Introducing SOAR
In January 2021 we launched a new program: SOAR! SOAR stands for Supplemental Security...
Why Having a Primary Care Provider is Important
We know that mental health and physical health are linked. That’s why, when you have a...
2021 Ladder of Hope, Table Captains
Thank you very much for your commitment to serve as a Table Captain at the Guild Ladder...
Julie Bluhm: Mapping the Future
*Written by Julie Bluhm. Julie, a social worker by training, is passionate about driving...
A Job Can Change Your Life. Here’s Why.
If you’ve ever been unemployed or at a job that isn’t a right fit for you, you know why...
Why We Should Phase Out the Word “Crazy”
You probably hear people saying things like “that’s crazy,” all the time. You may find...
Talking About Early Intervention with Jessica, Youth ACT Case Manager
When you’re a young person with a mental illness, getting help isn’t always easy. But...
Resources for the Derek Chauvin Trial
With Derek Chauvin’s trial underway, it’s likely that many of us are feeling...
Meet Ethan, Case Manager!
Ethan is a Case Manager on the Delancey Services team. Q: Describe a typical day as a...
Housing and Health, What’s the Relationship?
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on homelessness and health. The reality is,...
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a mental illness that causes persistent and overwhelming worry in everyday...
Program Highlight: Delancey Apartments
Delancey Apartments is a 13-unit apartment building that provides permanent supportive...
Giving Back in Scott County
On May 4, 2017, I found myself in courtroom three of the Scott County Justice Center. I...
What People Experiencing Homelessness Need Most
Have you ever wanted to help someone experiencing homelessness, but didn’t know how? We...
Meet Loni, Mental Health Practitioner!
Loni is a Mental Health Practitioner at the new Guild Crisis and Recovery Center, Scott...