Pam, RN Case Manager

Staff Spotlight: Pam, RN Case Manager, ACT

Aug 26, 2021

Pam is an RN Case Manager on the Ramsey County Assertive Community Treatment team.

Q:   Describe a typical day as an RN Case Manager on the ACT Team.

Pam: A typical day may include meeting with the ACT team in the AM for check-in meetings, setting up medications in the Med room to be delivered to clients, seeing clients to administer intramuscular injections/deliver meds/assess health, and calling clinics to follow up on med changes.


Q:  How long have you been working at Guild?

Pam: I can’t remember…haha. Over 30 years. Started in 1988 and left for about one year in 1999 (after losing a twin daughter) to work a state job. I ran into Julie G at Dunn Bros. She talked me into coming back.


Q:  How did your career path lead you to your current position at Guild?

Pam: After college, I was working with Developmentally Disabled in a group home. I ran into a spouse of a relative who worked at Guild Residences (Guild Hall) and he suggested I work for Guild as an Office Manager. Since that position, I have worked as Accounts Receivable, Supported Housing Specialist, Case Manager, and CM/RN. I had never thought about working with the mental illness population. Best decision ever.


Q:  What do you enjoy most about your job?

Pam: I most enjoy meeting with clients 1:1 and helping them with whatever it takes to make a difference.


Q:  What is something you’ve learned throughout your time at Guild?

Pam: I have learned to be more patient and that EVERYONE has strengths.


Q: What’s your proudest memory from working at Guild?

Pam: In 2009, getting my RN license.


Q: Why are ACT services important?

Pam: We help our folks stay out of the hospital and keep them in the community. We are an important support, especially for those who have few supports. Having a team available to clients is important.


Q:  What do you do in your free time?

Pam: I enjoy daily walks and hiking. Camping in tents at least once per summer, but two nights is my limit. I also love spending time with my 3 grandchildren swimming, fishing, playing games, and bouncing on the trampoline.