Guild provides permanent and short-term supportive housing services for people experiencing chronic and long-term homelessness, those who have had difficulty maintaining housing, and those struggling with a diagnosed mental illness. We help find stable, affordable housing in their community of choice and then provide supportive services so they can remain in their residence, engage in their community, and reach their broader goals.
We use the Housing First model, an evidence-based practice that recognizes how extremely difficult it is to address health, employment, and other challenges without first addressing this basic need. We walk alongside our clients, helping them access services, mediating landlord disputes, and providing short-term rental assistance when needed. Within our Housing Services, we also work to advance community-level systems change and create housing opportunities “free from prejudice.”
Guild Provides Three Kinds of Housing Support:

Street Outreach
Street Outreach for unsheltered individuals and families experiencing homelessness

Housing Stabilization
Housing Stabilization services for people on Medical Assistance

Case Management
Ongoing case management for individuals and families referred to us by the coordinated entry system
Begin Housing Stabilization Services
Guild provides housing stabilization services that help individuals and families find and/ or maintain housing. To begin, you can complete a consultation with our partners at Person Centered Housing Consultants or learn more about this Minnesota Medical Assistance benefit.
Need Immediate Help?
If you or a loved one are experiencing homelessness Coordinated Entry is where you can start.
Looking for a place to stay tonight, or at risk of losing your home? Click here.