Mark connected with his Guild friend in March of 2019. They were able to spend a year visiting with each other. They were small and simple visits, spent sharing stories, playing cards, and Mark reading to his friend. Mark met with his friend every week.
Then, the pandemic started and because Mark’s Guild friend is living in a group home setting, Mark could no longer visit in person. Mark knew his friend would very much miss his visits and tried to think of ways to connect besides calling him on the phone.
So, he created these signs and stood outside his window, showing each of them to his friend, who of course waved and smiled. Mark also filled his friend’s birdhouse with birdseed, which he does on his normal visits.

Mark made these signs to cheer up his volunteer friend.
Mark was recently granted permission to visit his friend in person as an “Essential Caregiver,” and though wearing a mask, protective eye gear, gloves, and a disposal gown are inconvenient, Mark and his Guild Friend are back to sharing stories and watching movies together. Mark humbly states, “I just want to be there for him and provide whatever emotional support I can.”
Random acts of kindness, indeed!
Volunteer Friends at Guild meet with Guild clients to help them feel less isolated. These meetings can take place however often and wherever the volunteer sees fit. During COVID-19, friends have met over the phone, video chat, or socially distanced outside. To learn more about becoming a Guild volunteer, click here.