To ensure the continuity of our vital services, we’re closely and actively monitoring potential shifts in policy that could impact mental health care, housing access and employment support. We remain dedicated to providing uninterrupted service and support to our clients and have provided resources below to keep you informed. If you’d like to receive updates about this work and ways to support Guild, please subscribe to our email list at the bottom of this page.
Mental Health Care
Take action to prevent cuts to Medicaid
1 in 5 Minnesotans is enrolled in Medicaid, a public insurance program for people with mental health conditions, pregnant women, children, people with disabilities, working families and veterans. Congress recently proposed devastating cuts to the program in the coming federal budget, which will be sorted out over the coming months. Our friends at NAMI have launched the Protect Medicaid. Protect Mental Health campaign, including a petition and templates for your outreach to Congress.
Contact our two U.S. senators and your U.S. representative and ask them to oppose any cuts to Medicaid. Don’t know who your representative is? Enter your home address to find out.
Attend weekly “Federal Focus on Housing” hosted by Minnesota Housing Partnership
Taking place on Fridays at 10:00 a.m., Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP) convenes advocates to share information, identify federal action impacts, and recommend advocacy activities. Zoom registration here.
Take action on HUD funding
Essential homelessness funding still hasn’t been distributed by the federal government to communities across the country. This means people experiencing homelessness, including Guild clients, will have reduced access to support services and housing assistance. Act via the National Alliance to End Homelessness’ form, and sign up for their homelessness-related advocacy action alerts.
Nonprofit Organizations
Track executive actions affecting charitable nonprofits
Our friends at the National Council of Nonprofits maintain a list of Executive Orders (EOs) signed by President Trump that may directly or indirectly impact nonprofit organizations, including Guild. This PDF will be updated as new orders are signed and will include any actions that have been taken on them.