by guild | Feb 2, 2021 | Featured, Program Highlights
What is TCM? Targeted Case Management helps adults with a serious mental illness improve their health by connecting them with resources. The goal is to help individuals find stability so they can live independently in the community. TCM case managers “partner with...
by guild | Jan 29, 2021 | Featured, Guild News, Homelessness
We are excited to announce the start of a new program at Guild called Operation OVER. Operation OVER stands for Offering Veterans Every Resource. The goal of our new program is to end veteran homelessness in Hennepin County, Minnesota. We know ending veteran...
by guild | Jan 27, 2021 | Featured, Staff Spotlights
Barbara is a Health Home Specialist on our BHH team. Q: Describe a typical day as a Health Home Specialist. A: There is no typical day in BHH! We are a physical and emotional wellness program and charged with checking in with our assigned clients once a month....
by guild | Jan 14, 2021 | Featured, Healthcare, Mental Heatlh
Health care, in general, is easier to access for those who are financially stable. Mental health services are even harder to access with differing insurance policies, a lack of resources in certain areas, and inaccessible out-of-pocket prices. With the COVID pandemic...
by guild | Jan 12, 2021 | Featured, Healthcare, Mental Heatlh
It’s a known fact that members of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer) community suffer from mental illnesses at a higher rate than their straight and cisgender counterparts. While mental illness can be caused by many things, we know that trauma,...