Contact Us – New/Test

Please indicate who you are seeking services for.

Do you have services/a worker elsewhere?

Does the potential client have services/a worker elsewhere?

Are you a current or former Guild client?

Is this person a current or former Guild client?

Is this person a current or former Guild client?

What type of help are you looking for? What services are you interested in?

What type of help is the potential client looking for? What services are they interested in?

What type of help is the potential client looking for? What services are they interested in?

Referrals, Inquiries & Crisis Support

Looking to refer a client? Click here to use our referral form.

Or contact Community Access:
Phone: (651) 925-8490
Fax: (651) 209-0148

Trying to reach a Guild worker or department? Call the Front Desk at 651-291-0067

Crisis Stabilization Services

  • South St. Paul: (612) 267-5242
  • Savage: (651) 347-9889
    Front Desk – 651-291-0067

Intensive Residential Treatment Services (IRTS)

  • (651) 262-2330